Thursday, March 19, 2009

week three

Yesterday we went to the United Nations International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda and watched a trial. A priest was in as a witness to the death of 476 tootsies in his church that were refugees, many of them children. He remembers every date and name, and this all happened in April of 1994. I also went to two different orphanages this week. The children are so sweet, but a lot of them are HIV positive. One girl had lesions on her face, and some need to be spoon fed. A couple of them are exceptionally bright. One 10 year old girl named Helen was telling me how she learned about opposites today and how she loves English and science, so I think greame and I are going to sponsor her to go to school. All the the children just want to be held, so most of the time that you are there you are carrying two around and you have three wrapped around your legs. They don't have diapers here and most of the children are too little to be potty trained so they just go to the bathroom on their clothing, which either ends up on you or on the floor, so that probably the most difficult part besides leaving them at the end of the day. I asked one of the girls which ones were her kakas and dada (brothers and sisters) and she smiled and said all of them, which at this particular orphanage is around 40 children. I just want to take all of them home with me, soo roomies if I come back to tech with an African baby, don't kill me. One of the little girls i was playing with to can't go to school anymore because when she was walking home she got rapped (she is 5 years old) so we are trying to find a way to see if we can start walking them to and from school. She has to go to the hospital in a couple months to see if she has contracted HIV. As much as I love africa it definitely wears on your heart and you tend to feel pretty helpless. Some of the people here are really into HIV/AIDS awareness. One guy came up to greame and I on the street and started talking to us about Aristotle and critical thinking and then he started rapping to us about HIV/AIDS and has a band that performs every sunday to promote awareness, so we are going to go check them out this weekend. the following are just some tid bits about africa

1. cars do not stop for people, they will actually start driving towards you so we have all almost been hit and it doesn't help that they drive on the opposite side of the road cuz we aren't used to looking left first

2. People will stop you on the side of the road and just talk to you. They are so curious, they want to know where you are from what you are doing here, then they tell you all about what they do...we've met some interesting people

3. you have to walk everywhere. i probably walk for a good 2 hours out of my day

4. bathrooms that flush are a treat here, we all get really excited when we find them, carrying around toilet paper and hand sanitizer is a must! I'm pretty used to a hole in the ground now...

5. getting answers to any of your questions is about the hardest thing to do here...patience is definitely something i will have more of when i get back

6. it takes about 4 minutes to get onto the internet, and the internet cafe is decorated with floppy disks and cds (they glued them to everything)

7. When the wind blows the smell is rarely anywhere close to pleasant. But the views are beautiful

8. In the morning when i go for a run Kilimanjaro is sticking out of the clouds and it is absolutely breathtaking

Thursday, March 12, 2009

With love from africa

When I stepped off the plane into 90 degree weather when it was 8:00 pm i knew africa would be a challenge, and it definitely has been. I have learned more in these past two weeks than i have in the past two years. The decision to go to africa was one that i will absolutely never regret. I wake up to roosters, pigs, dogs, and chickens every morning and they all walk on the streets with everyone else. I love it here so much, i have decided to extend my stay for another month so that i will be able to participate in our biggest program that i am currently working on for HIV/AIDS awareness at White Orange Youth. I will also be climbing Mt. Kilimanjaro at every end of my trip. I honestly don't even know how to start. I have talked to my family a couple times since i have been here and it is very hard to express what it is like living here and within the culture. The first couple of days when i arrived in Moshi we spent getting to know each other(everyone in my group is absolutely amazing, most are in college and are the coolest people i have ever meet), the town, our placement, and a little Swahili (we have class every day so i'm picking it up quickly). Visiting the village of Rau was definitely the first of many huge culture shocks that i have experienced. We stuffed onto a bus and once we got there we went to the chief of the village's house. Which was made out of mud, sticks and pieces of scrap metal (this was the nicest house we saw)...the chief was so proud, but not of his house...he was proud of his whole village, the people there and the life they live. As we walked through the village where there is no running water or electricity the children would run up to us and want to play and have pictures taken of them (sometimes they would pose which was absolutely adorable). Everyone says hello and wants us to come visit them, the children will play with absolutely anything. We went into one house where there was a 20 year old guy who was so thin you could see every bone in his body and had absolutely no muscle anywhere on his body...he was just laying there looking at us, they told us that he had fallen out of a tree a couple of years ago and had to go to the hospital for help, but he has only gotten worse since then. Aids was of course the first thing that ran through everyone's head, but you never know here. His mother was in the best of spirits...people in africa do not stress...ever...about anything (which me and my fellow volunteers have come to know as the biggest problem, but definitely amazing to experience), the smallest things make them happy and they ALWAYS smile. The pictures of the village don't even slightly show what it is like in real life. Then we started going to our placement, which i will talk about later. The first weekend we went on a four day safari in the Serengeti where we camped out for three nights. It was AMAZING. The first night we went to a masia village where we saw them give a traditional dance, got a tour of their huts (which are made out of cow fices and sticks), learned about their culture where they still perform female circumcision, and we got to play with the children. They were so excited when I gave them a pen, it was all they kept asking for. On the safari we saw everything...lions, elephants, giraffes, hippos,water buffalo, zebras....and sooo much more. I don't think I will ever be able to go to a Zoo ever again. The pictures are most definitely breath taking and watching the sun set and rise in the middle of the Serengeti is incredible!

As far as working with White Orange has been crazy. Me and two other volunteers Peter and Graeme are working together to write grants for the program because they are now working with supporting orphans and street children buy paying for their education so they need more money because they cannot currently support all of the children that they want to. The people we are are working with do not know how to use computers at all, so they have no idea how to type or use search engines...its definitely weird to hear since we are programed to use the computer every since we popped out. Next week we will travel to remote villages with a translator teaching people about HIV/AIDS and teaching them about safe sex since 90% of Tanzanian's that have HIV/AIDS have contracted it through unsafe sex. And yes this does mean that I will teach people how to wear condoms...and yes i will look absolutely ridiculous doing it, but its always the small things that count the most. We are also working on promoting our big memorial candle light service that will be held May 17th with 3 other NGO's in Moshi.

Africa has thrown some pretty crazy stuff at us tho...the most recent story being that one of the young street children that we sponsor has not been going to school. So we were to find out why and where she was, since her school payments have already been paid for and hundreds of other children are waiting to take her place. So as we started looking into it we found out that she has been staying with a "witch doctor" in a town outside of hers. When we went to her mother's house her mother lied about where her daughter was staying and kept repeating that she was in the hospital, which she wasn't. Then we found her brother who told us that this witch doctor was using his sister for sex and her mother who is HIV positive is allowing it because the witch doctor is giving her drugs and telling her that a white man is going to pay to take her daughter back to the US and marry her. The girls that we were looking for is named Rosie and so we had to go to a Human Rights NGO and figure out how to handle the situation, they told us to go to the police. So once we got there the police told us that we had to pay them if they wanted us to go find this girl, and that if the mother has consented that its okay for Rosie to be living with this witch doctor (who is 65) then there is nothing we can do. So we had to go with the police to the witch doctors house because the NGO we are working for said that because we are white they will actually go, but if we leave they won't go. So just imagine 3 college kids in the back of a truck riding through the streets of Africa with 6 policeman carrying AK semi-automatics at 9 at night. So we got to the house and found the girl and brought her back with us, and they are currently looking for the witch doctor and are keeping the girl in safe custody. Imagine a clip from hotel Rwanda and just paste in our heads and thats pretty much how it looked.

So as you can tell Africa has been a crazy...but every interesting. We all love it here so much, I miss all you guys and i'll keep you posted on the Rosie situation.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

The backround...

My first post out of hopefully many to share with everyone all that I will be learning and experiencing! I've never blogged before and I have no idea what I am doing, but if you read it I hope you enjoy and it inspires you to do whatever it is that you've always wanted to do (so cliche, but its the truth) This trip was very sudden and most of my friends have no idea what I will be doing in Tanzania for two months, so here's a little summary of how it all began and what I will be doing:

Its Christmas break and I've just woken up from another night of little sleep, I had just come back from a pretty exhausting, but wonderful trip to Turkey to visit my family. I'd thought about not going back to VT for a couple weeks, but had just pushed the thought away...I couldn't just not go back to college this semester, but the question kept repeating "Aubrey what do you want to do with your life?" and on this interesting morning I woke and said I want to go to Africa, it was an answer and I was definitely listening. I walked down stairs and told (not asked) my family what I was planing on doing. They were a little shocked at first, but as I showed them the cross cultural solutions website they slowly warmed up to the idea and became quite supportive (thanks fam)!

Why didn't you want to go back, you ask puzzled...since college is supposed to be the best years of your life? While applying to college I had no idea what I wanted to major in thinking I would figure it out on my way, but the longer I stayed the less certain I became. I was tired of the same routine, I had lost my spark and that feeling of inspiration. I wanted to be passionate about something meaningful, and then I found CCS and it is everything I was looking for! The fire is back, and I only have my plane ticket and a rough idea of what I will be doing...I'm working with a "just figure it out as you go" plan at the moment.

What the heck are you doing in Africa aubs? ...I just found out actually! I will be interning with the White Orange Youth HIV/AIDS Organization for two months and I could not have been happier about my placement! check it out, donate if you feel so inspired: ">

"White Orange Youth is a non–Governmental organization located in Kilimanjaro, Moshi Municipality, Makongoro Avenue. It is about 1km from center of town. It was founded in 1997 and registered in 1998 by a group of young professionals who felt that through collective action, they would be better able to make progress on social, economic and political issues which Tanzania youth faces. The mission of the organization is to operate comprehensive and dynamic youth enhancement programs, to advocate and lobby, and to network with other stakeholders to help to improve the quality of life for the youth of Tanzania."

My volunteering duties will include; helping spread awareness by organizing and supporting community outreach and prevention efforts, organizing and promoting HIV/AIDS education in the community, assisting the staff with training seminars and conferences, helping develop fund raising strategies and grant writing skills and try to help update and further develop the website (and yes I have already gotten the designing a website for dummies book). and if I get lucky I might be able to shadow some doctors at the Mawenzi Regional Hospital. and that is all I know so far.

Surprisingly I'm not to worried, I'll be surrounded by people who all have come together for a similar cause, I look forward to living and working with them, and I am ready to being my journey!

Internet access can be difficult to obtain, so I will hopefully be posting from time to time, if your interested feel free to sneak a peek! I'm heading off on the 27th! So I'll post another a couple of days after I arrive in Tanzania!